Wednesday, April 8, 2015


What do you see when you see this picture?

I see a lot of things....
Scientifically - light traveling through a prism
Biologically - how we see color
Humanly - what we love to see after a thunderstorm
Artistically - my media to create art
Spiritually - God's promise to Noah and after the flood
Culturally - Leprechauns
Socially - gay, lesbian, LGBT community and pride

These are what my brain refers to when seeing a rainbow, depending on the context. I don't think anyone can argue that rainbows are not beautiful. Whether thinking of that metaphorical pot of gold on St. Patrick's Day or paint on a canvas, a flag in front of someone's home, the image of a great boat with pairs of animals around it, that Pink Floyd album cover, or snapping that picture of the rainbow while driving; all of these are good things (maybe except for the driving part).
So, when did rainbows start to mean something bad?

Probably when Christians decided that since homosexuals use it to represent their love it could no longer be good. I even read an article where Katy Perry was accused of spreading the gospel of Satan by standing on a star with a rainbow trail at the 2015 Super Bowl. Seriously!? First of all, when did "the homosexuals" get exclusive rights to the rainbow? I have several gay friends and I am 100% positive if they saw a picture of rainbow as the wallpaper on my phone they wouldn't be offended. They probably wouldn't even think it has anything to do with them. I think that since they chose the rainbow to symbolize their LOVE for one another they wouldn't have any issues with me loving rainbows simply because they are pretty. Think about it, the story of Noah was popular before rainbows became flags that people carry in parades and put on their doors. 

Speaking of that story of Noah, have we forgotten why God gave us the rainbow?

Genesis 9:8-11 Then God spoke to Noah and his sons: “I’m setting up my covenant with you including your children who will come after you, along with everything alive around you—birds, farm animals, wild animals—that came out of the ship with you. I’m setting up my covenant with you that never again will everything living be destroyed by floodwaters; no, never again will a flood destroy the Earth.”

 It was a symbol of His promise. His love. That He wouldn't wipe us out by floods again, no matter what our offenses. I really think its a perfect representation of love. And He wants us to remember that every time we see a rainbow.

Why when someone wants to buy a car air freshener that is a rainbow flower they have to worry that others will assume they are gay? Are we that shallow, that we are defining people not only by their sexual orientation, color, size, religion, language, and brand of their clothes, but now we are judging people because of the air freshener they chose!? I am a Christian and I am not going to debate whether they are right or wrong. Or even why they are "they" verses me. We should be loving people and not categorizing anyone into a "they" or "them". Debating who one loves is not something I am interested in. I know plenty of straight people who love people they shouldn't. That would be like debating  that I am not allowed that piece of cake because I am overweight. Every single one of us has something that may be considered wrong or inappropriate, or even offensive to another person. 
Rainbows and love should not be one of those things.  Lets debate something that matters, like is that piece of cake vanilla or chocolate? Because vanilla is clearly better.

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