Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Mission Trip Day 4

June 13, 2015
Morning Devotion
Hebrews 12: 1-3 There are so many people to reach, so we must run to reach them! It wont be easy.
Isaiah 54: 2-3 Stretching ourselves is a painful but freeing process.

My prayer today is to push myself (and our team), my boundaries, my heart, my mind. What we couldn't do, we now can. What we didn't expect will be our opportunity to stretch. I have a preconceived plan for this trip but God can also guide our mission to do His will outside of our plans.

Evening Journal

Today we visited a village on the peninsula. We came by boat. I was expecting much worse conditions but the ground was covered in trash. I see this is pretty common here and have learned that there is no trash service that regularly comes to this area. The culture has no concept of 
picking up trash, but then sometimes 
you see it bagged up. Then I see their 
homes and see such pride and cleanliness of their modest homes. 

I did get to hold some babies today. Milyadi (pronounced Mi-lady) is 8 months old. Beaitufl little thing that I imagine becoming a famous actress. Then there was Juliosito. He is 4 months old and twice as big as Milyadi. Such a cutie! Close your eyes and imagine the commentator announcing "And next to the ring is Julio....sito.....!". Yep, when I see him I see a wrestler. Such a joy to watch all the kids playing and singing. The people of that village are poor, yes; disturbing conditions, yes, but oh so blessed!

Once again I ask, what is my role here? Could it be with the Nicaraguan team???

Additional entry
This evening was hard for our team. Our team was becoming divided. It went from constructive to angry - Really fast. My worst fear of this trip emerged and the Nicaraguans were there to watch the team fall apart. But then a miracle of God occurred. We prayed. I think it fell apart for a purpose. To refocus our team; to learn a new mission - possibly to work on ourselves. Our morning devotional was not only for our mission with the people of Nicaragua but also for our team. Our painful race to help other became a painful stretching of ourselves. Sad and beautiful at the same time.

My prayer is for healing, unity, peace and mission to prevail. Some apologies were made and some left unmade. But the healing within our team was bigger than any apology. Whatever the devil is trying to prevent us from doing must be awesome and the devil is gone so that only God's will remains. God's plan; God's love; God's glory.

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